Restaurant guide

Home > Vestfold > Tønsberg
Wenches cafe
Open now
Opening hours

Ready for a visit? Check the following opening hours for Wenches cafe:

Monday:08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday:08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday:08:00 - 18:00
Thursday:08:00 - 18:00
Friday:08:00 - 18:00
Saturday:08:00 - 18:00

Note that opening hours may vary based on (public) holidays.

Wenches cafe can be found at the following address:

Torvgaten 1
3110 Tønsberg

Check the map to see where you can find Wenches cafe.


Do you need to book a table? Or maybe you have some questions regarding the menu? Use the following telephone number to get in touch with Wenches cafe:


Here is how other visitors have rated Wenches cafe:

5.0/5.0 (20 vote(s))

What has happend at Wenches cafe lately? Here you can find relevant news:


Hei, Beklager men det arrangementet som skulle være hos oss den 26 Oktober er avlyst. Fikk nettopp beskjed fra Gruppen, som skulle spille. Men vi håper de kan ppptre ved en senere anledning . Hilsen Wenches /Per Gunnar Haugan


AFTERWORK Fredag 3.mars!! Hamburger, ost-og tapasplanke til KUN 175,- Kom innom fra 16-20 å få masse gode tilbud :D


Vi har masse deilig å spise både kaldt og varmt! Kom gjerne innom :)


Here you can find pictures from Wenches cafe:

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Feel free to send us a message!

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